06.03.2023 00:00

Einhell Do-It-Yourself Study 2023 reveals women are highly motivated

DIY and gardening are among the favorite leisure activities of Germans, with women demonstrating enormous drive and motivation. That is one of the central findings of the Einhell Do-It-Yourself Study 2023. Einhell Germany AG, the leading supplier of garden and DIY tools, joined forces with the SINUS Institute to conduct a representative survey of more than 2,000 participants exploring what the German population think about doing things themselves in the house and garden, and what motivates them to do so.

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There are many different reasons why women take up gardening and DIY. Among these motivations are independence, relaxation, self-fulfillment and self-affirmation. These and other findings are delivered by the Einhell Do-It-Yourself Study 2023, which was conducted by Einhell Germany AG in partnership with the SINUS Institute.

The motivations for doing-it-yourself in the home and garden 

There are many different reasons why women take up gardening and DIY. Among these motivations are independence, relaxation, self-fulfillment and self-affirmation. These and other findings are delivered by the Einhell Do-It-Yourself Study 2023, which was conducted by Einhell Germany AG in partnership with the SINUS Institute.

In the Delphi study entitled “The 2030 Home” that we conducted in 2021, we discovered that the value people attach to their own home is rising sharply and that people are increasingly finding enjoyment in doing little jobs themselves. With the Einhell Do-It-Yourself Study 2023, we as the leading supplier of garden and DIY tools wanted to drill down this attitude and analyze it in more detail,” says Andreas Kroiss, CEO of Einhell Germany AG, on the background to the representative survey. 

Experiencing success at the forefront

According to the study, women are highly motivated to do and create things for themselves.  

In detail, the motives of “Being able to do something for myself,” “Being able to solve problems without help from someone else,” “Experiencing success and being able to be proud of something” and “Being able to save money by doing things myself” play a key role, accounting for over 80 percent between them. 

“When it comes to gardening, women tend to attach more value to creating a space for relaxation, whereas for men the sense of duty outweighs,” says Dr. Marc Calmbach, managing director of the SINUS Institute and project leader of the study, in summary. This is also clear from other detailed results, according to which 73 percent of the women asked say “I enjoy spending time gardening” and 56 percent “I enjoy spending time doing DIY”. 

Women recognize the benefits of cordless tools

It is also noticeable that women are consistently more persuaded of the benefits of cordless tools, with 80 percent of women considering them to be safe and environmentally friendly. “Our study demonstrates not only that DIY is held in high regard in the German population, but also that female gardening enthusiasts and DIYers in particular increasingly know and value the benefits offered by cordless tools,” Andreas Kroiss adds.

Calculated for the first time: The Einhell DIY Index

The SINUS Institute and Einhell Germany AG developed the Einhell DIY Index in order to give a snap summary of the affinity of Germans with doing-it-yourself in a single figure. It comprises three dimensions of equal weighting: Interest in DIY, frequency of DIY activity, and subjective assessment of DIY skills.

Based on the first survey, the DIY affinity of the German population stands at 62 out of a possible 100 points. People in the middle age group of 30 to 49 years have the greatest DIY affinity (65 %).

About Einhell Germany AG

Einhell is a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art tools and devices for the house and garden and will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024. From its headquarters in Landau/Isar (Bavaria), the internationally successful company has continuously expanded its innovative rechargeable battery platform Power X-Change and is now the market leader in the area of cordless tools and garden devices. For many years Einhell has set new standards in terms of endurance, performance, and safety. Einhell customers appreciate the freedom of cordless operation for all their DIY projects, as well as the excellent value for money that Einhell products represent and the first-class customer service offered by the company.

Romina KellMarketing - Einhell Germany AG
09951 942 797
94405 Landau

[email protected]