20.04.2023 00:00

Pump properly – for the sake of the environment

Water the garden at the press of a button, pump away clear and dirty water or even install an automatic domestic water supply system using rain and service water: With more than 50 different pumps, Einhell has the best solution for a sustainable water supply in the home and garden. That is better not only for the wallet, but also for the environment. A range of pumps for watering and drainage is available to suit the particular application. But which pump is used for what? Garden expert Patrick Pflegler, Category Manager Garden Tools at Einhell Germany AG, passes on the key points to consider.

The garden can be watered at the press of a button with Einhell water pumps.

Plants love rainwater

“In summer especially, watering the garden is often an expensive business. It is more sustainable and eco-friendly to use natural rain or groundwater, whether from cisterns, wells or a water butt,” the Einhell garden expert explains.

The easiest and most flexible way of using rainwater in the garden is to set up a water butt, for instance, and install the Power X-Change GE-PP 18 RB Li cordless submersible pressure and rainwater barrel pump, which was honored by trade magazine BaumarktManager as its “Product of the Year 2021/2022” in the technology category. “With an ability to deliver 3,000 liters of water an hour, it allows even large gardens to be watered comfortably. As a part of the innovative battery platform, any Power X-Change battery from Einhell can be used to operate this pump,” says Pflegler.

The figures prove just how sustainable rainwater is: An average 670 liters of rainwater fell on every square meter of Germany in 2022. What is more, rainwater does not contain lime or minerals, a particular benefit for house plants and sensitive garden plants such as rhododendrons, magnolias, azaleas, hydrangeas, wisterias, orchids and ferns. Anyone installing a water butt should ensure three things: A child lock, mosquito protection and a cover. The rainwater should not be used if it contains bitumen, copper or zinc.

Save ten thousand liters of drinking water

Even more rainwater can be stored in a cistern that is installed below frost depth, meaning it can be operated all year round. The construction of a cistern does not normally require planning permission if it is not more than 50 cubic meters in size, i.e. has a capacity of 50,000 liters – it only needs to be notified to the authorities. Cisterns, too, can be operated with cordless pumps, such as if the opening is on the lawn and a permanent pump installation would be unsightly.

“Another alternative is to connect the cistern to the automatic domestic water supply and to use the rainwater for flushing the toilet, for instance, through a second pipe system,” Pflegler advises. According to Statista, flushing the toilet alone accounts for 27 percent of domestic water consumption. Twelve percent goes on washing laundry and another 6 percent on watering the garden and washing the car. Taken together, that gives an average potential saving of 45 percent of total drinking water consumption.

A four-person household, the German environment agency has extrapolated, can save 40,000 liters of drinking water a year by using rainwater, or as much as 60,000 liters if they also use it for the laundry.

Another important area of application for pumps is draining clear and dirty water using suction and submersible pumps, such as pumping out flooded basements or emptying pools and ponds. To cover every eventuality, Einhell has developed 2-in-1 combination pumps that can extract both dirty water containing solids and clear water down to 1 mm, leaving a surface that can be wiped dry. With a power consumption of 730 W and a delivery capacity of up to 16,500 liters of water an hour, the GE-DP 7330 LL ECO 2-in-1 combination pump is an attractive option. Anyone also wanting cordless freedom will find the new GE-DP 18/25 LL Li Power X-Change battery-operated dirty water pump the ideal companion. It can pump out both dirty water with a maximum particle size of 25 mm from ponds or flooded basements and clear water from pools down to a residual depth of just 1 mm.

Über die Einhell Germany AG

Einhell ist führender Hersteller hochmoderner Werkzeuge rund um Haus und Garten und feiert im Jahr 2024 sein 60-jähriges Jubiläum. Durch den stetigen Ausbau seiner innovativen Akku-Plattform Power X-Change ist das international erfolgreiche Unternehmen mit Sitz in Landau/Isar (Bayern) Vorreiter im Bereich akkubetriebener Werkzeuge und Gartengeräte. Seit Jahren setzt Einhell mit seinen Produkten Standards in puncto Ausdauer, Leistungsstärke und Sicherheit. Die Einhell Kunden schätzen zudem die kabellose Freiheit bei allen Do-It-Yourself-Projekten, das attraktive Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und den erstklassigen Kundenservice.

Romina KellMarketing - Einhell Germany AG
09951 942 797
94405 Landau

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