13.03.2024 00:00

Personnel development at Einhell: From generation management to integration management

Einhell Germany AG is proving to be a very diverse company. The more than 2,500 employees worldwide include representatives of a wide range of generations – from baby boomers through Generation Z. To capitalize on the respective strengths of the various age groups for its business success, the Bavarian company is putting its faith in a mutual understanding of the respective values, feelings and needs of the different generations represented.

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Einhell Germany AG relies on short decision paths and a cooperative management style, with responsibilities being delegated at all levels of the company.

Utilizing the experiences of the individual generations

Despite its rapid growth over the last few years, Einhell Germany AG has retained the structures of a mid-sized corporation. This can be seen primarily in short decision paths and a cooperative management style, with responsibilities being delegated at all levels of the company. In an age in which younger and older generations are working together more than ever before, one of the greatest challenges is to reflect this openness in the organization. “Decisions can only be made on the basis of sufficient information and experience. That's why it is our goal to lay the foundation, both in personnel development in general and in executive development, that enables all our colleagues to continue to develop not only in their positions, but above and beyond as well,” says Hans-Peter Rostan, Director Group Human Resources at Einhell Germany AG. “Whatever their age, after all, they are human beings with very different backgrounds. That's why generation management at Einhell is first and foremost about making the best possible use of all our colleagues, whether current or potential, with their strengths and needs.”

What is noticeable at Einhell is that younger employees tend to question decisions and processes in the company and scrutinize them more closely than the majority of colleagues from older generations did. “In principle this trend benefits the culture at Einhell,” says Hans-Peter Rostan. “We are a fantastic team and we all pull in the same direction, so that makes it easier for new employees to settle in quickly and get involved right from the start.”

Apprentices and students at Einhell are specifically encouraged to make suggestions for improvement, such as if they notice that a process is outdated and there is a more efficient way of doing things. The younger generations often provide new ideas relating to digitalization, for instance. Older generations then have the technical skills and experience to transform analog processes into digital ones in collaboration with the IT experts.

Security and support through cooperative team structures

A further major difference between the older and the younger generations that Hans-Peter Rostan notices is the greater self-confidence that the younger generation has from the start: “They are very quick to take on tasks and technical challenges. That's a very positive development, but it’s also one that needs to be supported actively. It’s the role of the company to offer security and support, primarily through management and cooperative team structures, so that a lack of experience will not lead to incorrect decisions and hence emotional stress. For senior executives, it's important to get an insight into the values and feelings held by the different generations. That's why one of the essential elements of management development is open, target-driven communication that goes beyond generational differences,” Hans-Peter Rostan adds. To meet these challenges, Einhell has launched a comprehensive management development program in the Einhell Academy that, alongside basic training, addresses the actual issues faced by managers in their day-to-day life. “Thanks to our strong team structure, open communication and the courage to tackle change and develop consistently, we believe we are very well positioned for the future,” says Hans-Peter Rostan, looking forward.

Über die Einhell Germany AG

Einhell ist führender Hersteller hochmoderner Werkzeuge rund um Haus und Garten und feiert im Jahr 2024 sein 60-jähriges Jubiläum. Durch den stetigen Ausbau seiner innovativen Akku-Plattform Power X-Change ist das international erfolgreiche Unternehmen mit Sitz in Landau/Isar (Bayern) Vorreiter im Bereich akkubetriebener Werkzeuge und Gartengeräte. Seit Jahren setzt Einhell mit seinen Produkten Standards in puncto Ausdauer, Leistungsstärke und Sicherheit. Die Einhell Kunden schätzen zudem die kabellose Freiheit bei allen Do-It-Yourself-Projekten, das attraktive Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und den erstklassigen Kundenservice.

Romina KellMarketing - Einhell Germany AG
09951 942 797
94405 Landau

[email protected]